Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wat a showcaster

I was horried and im with the way thing go around me. Seriously, I was pined by my superiors who doesnt even know what they are doing. I indeed explained it to them. But of no use.

What a showcaster. Never ever believe a tamil guy who works with you. Its a defeat, the worst thing, I could say is, they can screw you like what they did to me.

What a maturity this guy has, Im sticking not to move, just to inform, i can stick and take in what ever you can do, even ruin my life, just like what ever you did a couple a days back, without even knowing. Even after telling you directly, you werent been able to understand in this age. Its shoking, what kind of education, parenting your mother did and the kind of life you have lived S.

Its weird to act like a manager. Seriously, I can only insult you with this 4 words,
You are 1234 old and never learnt a lesson.

with lost gratitude and regards

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sea Crust, MGM Grand Days

3 days of fun in the beach the long awaited leave broke with a beer.

We planned a trip to Pondi, but couldnt help it as the drivers were busy and i dint wana drive myself.

Sudha and myself had a clear ayurvedic spa, full body massage, a jacussi at TATVA and relaxed in the beach with a Black Dog all the time.

The Black Dog is much similar to the Blenders Pride, short of the bitter taste but takes you to heaven when had after a cool Bud.

Im a definte fan of Bud. The great refreshing sprit more than 3 makes me, kills my speech and sure I have to surrender to so called heaven.

But now, I really cant think of a drink. Im done.

18, 19 and 20th Feb 2011 was fun.

Gizmo Gadegts

Err..Ergonomically Im hit, became lazy.. Want a catch a run to the village.

Where ever I go, these days, the WLAN follows me up and I try a steal to connect to see if it works well and then start browsing. Not just the FB r the Music Explorer. Its damm everything. Unwanted news scrolling up my head, Unrealistic views of my photo snaps, blogging and tweeting every damm thing that I see.

Am I a gadget freek?

Ah, Its working n the Gizmo.

At this hour, I guess, its hard to retire without all these gadgets, now on the Samsung Galaxy S2 and the 3g from BSNL that I tried, want to compare it with the new Airtel 3g.

Well, it started out with Camera's. From the hard core reel onces, to the development, change one after the other, then it was the DSLR tricks that made my time, now its just the different point and shoot stuff. Search for one, read on it, compare it, buy or get one, try it THROW IT.

Damm, Damm,

ITs kind of a sick fever, that Im closed other than my family.

The PSP was taking my time to teach my daughter to get hand on. She is 5 and become an addict. The day starts with the BigFish games on the hidden treasures and objecct and goes till she her hands are dead tired. She demands to brush her teeth only if I say "The mobile games follows next" and for a bath, I have to have the PSP ready, show it to her from where she left yesterday to start over again and again.

The biggest problem is she or even I havent been satisfied with the game... It rules us like crazy rock star love dream. Goes on and on and never ends.

On the real while scocuting, Treasure hunt was a satisfied game. If we found even the samllest peicce of clue. Its an end. Done. But now, level after level, it goes on.

What a waste of time i preached her.

Leave it