Monday, February 21, 2011

Sea Crust, MGM Grand Days

3 days of fun in the beach the long awaited leave broke with a beer.

We planned a trip to Pondi, but couldnt help it as the drivers were busy and i dint wana drive myself.

Sudha and myself had a clear ayurvedic spa, full body massage, a jacussi at TATVA and relaxed in the beach with a Black Dog all the time.

The Black Dog is much similar to the Blenders Pride, short of the bitter taste but takes you to heaven when had after a cool Bud.

Im a definte fan of Bud. The great refreshing sprit more than 3 makes me, kills my speech and sure I have to surrender to so called heaven.

But now, I really cant think of a drink. Im done.

18, 19 and 20th Feb 2011 was fun.

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