Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wat a showcaster

I was horried and im with the way thing go around me. Seriously, I was pined by my superiors who doesnt even know what they are doing. I indeed explained it to them. But of no use.

What a showcaster. Never ever believe a tamil guy who works with you. Its a defeat, the worst thing, I could say is, they can screw you like what they did to me.

What a maturity this guy has, Im sticking not to move, just to inform, i can stick and take in what ever you can do, even ruin my life, just like what ever you did a couple a days back, without even knowing. Even after telling you directly, you werent been able to understand in this age. Its shoking, what kind of education, parenting your mother did and the kind of life you have lived S.

Its weird to act like a manager. Seriously, I can only insult you with this 4 words,
You are 1234 old and never learnt a lesson.

with lost gratitude and regards

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